Why I choose Obsidian?

  1. Durability. Our notes are saved as plain text. Put it simply, plain text survives these past 50 years, it should be okay for another 50 years. Even if Obsidian suddenly disappears, we still have our files.
  2. Our data/knowledge is mine. First, it's offline. At least in this era where the blockchain is not yet mainstream, the safest place to save data and say that this data is yours is your own hard disk. Second, up to us how we want to bind, see, or use it. Other platforms dictate us since the note-taking process.
  3. You can link notes. Make connections between your thoughts/information. That's how I believe our notes should be, instead of only sitting in folders. It should be closer to how our brain works. Interconnected. And then when ideas mixed together, serendipity strikes, boom--the new idea is born. Often times that is how the new idea emerged in our brain.
  4. The notes expand over time in a better way. Compared to hierarchal-based notes such as traditional notes-on-folders or even Notion, Obsidian allows you to summon old notes better. A note is not just written and buried somewhere in the jungle of notes inside a folder. Single notes sometimes belong to several categories, and should not be restricted to only one specific category like a folder. (ex: you write about "how to cook omelet", it might be saved to folder "My Recipe" and/or "My next YT video")



#obsidian #productivity #inspiration #compiled

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