How to embed Newsletter on Obsidian
I use ConvertKit to manage my Newsletter.
Here are steps to embed it to your Obsidian notes:
- Sign up to ConvertKit. The steps are self-explanatory.
- In your Convertkit home page, go to Grow>Landing Pages & Forms
Click + Create New > Landing Pages , and Choose your template of choice
Edit the appearance as you pleased and click Publish
Copy the URL for publication.
In your note in Obsidian, use iframe to embed the URL. See codes below and change the to your URL.
<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:400px; border:none; margin-top:-60px"></iframe>
- Check in View mode. It supposed to look like this:
(well, below is not the Landing Page we just made. Its mine which I made previously )
- Now you can see the visitor from