Financial plan shouldn't revolve around a job
To trade Time is to trade Life
The only absolute intrinsic value you have is your time.
Time trade is central to how you make money.
Job consume TIME.
Limitation on Experience
Unless your job is the one that handles everything, or you can jump around according to your will, the job limits your experience.
No control
If you do not have full control, it is like sitting in the bed of a pickup truck. You are exposed to the harsh floor while the driver of the truck sits comfortably in the driver's seat, knowing when to turn left or right, knowing when to accelerate and to stop.
Cannot choose the environment you work with
Offices are full of politics and people with different behavior. You need to adjust to them.
Pay yourself last
They adjust everything first, then give you your paycheck last.
Dictatorship on Income
Your income is limited to how your employer sees you fit. Or sometimes it is already stated as rules.
Despite your increase in your intrinsic value. There always be a limit on how high can you be paid. You can't demand a pay raise greater than 10%, let alone 1000%.
The Millionaire Fastlane (review)