This note is a MOC for notes related to my research
Related to experiment
How to use a glovebox (weighing)
How to use a glovebox (spin coating)
Perovskite recipe
How to check infiltration on carbon based perovskite solar cells
Related to references
Paper Annotations
My research_The beginning
- Early conversation with prof
- Digesting the proposal
- What is Memristor
- The usage
- Required properties
- Why perovskite
- The problem is..
- Our Goals
- About memristor basic
Memristor structure
Scope of my phd
- Working project 1-4, mine is 1-2
Hight throughput Synthesis for perovskite memristor
- What can be optimized
- Steps
- Data collected
- Measurement needed
Review paper on perovskite memristor 1
- @caoApplicationHalidePerovskites2020
- Mechanism
- Development of memristor
- Important properties of memristor
Requirements for digital memristors
Br Activation energy and ion migration
I Activation energy and ion migration
Strategy for surface passivation of perovskite
Ion Migration with Nd Ca Na dopant in perovskite
Mesoscopic perovskite solar cell
About hole transport layer HTL
Characteristic and mechanism of perovskite memristor
Defect ion in perovskite
Video on impedance spec of halide perovskite memristor
Perovskite memristor structures that have ever made
Perovskite to moisture
Good article on perovskite solar cells
Phases of perovskites depends on the temperature
Place to learn
learn bayesian optimization
Benchmarking the Performance of Bayesian Optimization across Multiple Experimental Materials Science Domains
GPTflowOpt First step to bayesian opt
Random things to check
Summits a tool for optimizing chemical processed
Pre-investigation (self note)
- Read literature to find:
| Structure | Precursors | exp. condition | Contacts | Energies | Endurance | Retention time | on-off ratio |
| --------- | ---------- | -------------- | -------- | -------- | --------- | -------------- | ------------ |
| | | | | | | | |
Start with:
source: @caoApplicationHalidePerovskites2020
- Look for in-situ measurement possible (opto + electronic)